“The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” ― Jacques Cousteau
After weeks of planning and postponing, my wife finally made arrangements with our friend Evelyne, to meetup at her place in Buena Park, CA and then spend the rest of the day at the Beach. After much anticipation and a good weather, we decided to drive down since we figured there would be less people after the holiday. On our way there we spotted so much traffic left and right that I was afraid the days activity would not happen.
After spending about an hour at our friend’s apartment catching up on events and waiting for the arrival of a friend of hers, we then made our way to Huntington State Beach. It took us about twenty minutes to get there. After what seemed like an hour waiting in line to get in, we finally made it. It was packed, yet roomy since people where keeping to their activities and not running around as much. We found a location and set up. To our amazement, the weather was surprisingly warm and we didn’t have to cover up until much later.

We had brought shorts and shirts to get in but when we got out of the car we felt the fresh cool air and decided to go as we where (less chances of getting sick). I had an awesome time with my kids. We fought and ran away from waves, found some shells and even got to catch some Sand Crabs on a foam cup. After having some fun watching them bury themselves on the little dirt inside the cut, we released them so they would not die. The Seagulls where very interested on our activity since they figured an easy dinner was to come.

It was a nice cloudy day and the breeze was inviting up to the point where it started to get cold. I had almost forgotten the feeling with all the heat we are having at home. We said our goodbyes to friends who came with us and left our sand castles behind for the birds to take over. The journey back home was as scenic as the drive away from it was. Being here for the day reminded us of the many times we have made the same drive and how it’s never the same each and every time. I am looking forward to the next time we find ourselves there again.