
A Day Well Spent In Big Bear, CA

EPEngineer By EPEngineer1 min read463 views

Last night we finally made the decision to take a trip to Big Bear, California, before we are faced with triple-digit temperatures. Today was the day and it was awesome!

Big Bear Lake CA – The Village Welcome Sign.
Image source: Alamy.com


We took Highway 18 through Lucerne Valley, CA.

We had brunch at Teddy Bear Restaurant:
– Club Sandwich
– Bears Best Sandwich
– Fried Egg Burger
– Mushroom Burger

Brunch at Teddy Bear Restaurant.

After our brunch, we visited a few shops, and took a walk around the lake.

Big Bear Lake, CA.
Big Bear Lake, CA.

On our way home, we took the Rim of The World Highway.

There’s a high school at the top of the mountain overlooking the San Bernardino Valley.

Rim of The World High School.

The view is breathtaking.

Rim of The World Hwy.
Rim of The World Highway.
Rim of The World Hwy.

It was a worthwhile adventure.

Our Getaway in AZ

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read838 views

We spent a beautiful time with my friend in Arizona.

It was our first time in Scottsdale and my well behaved kids have been looking forward to this trip.
We toured the city, went to Church, ate at Restaurants. We talked a lot, laughed a lot, prayed a lot and hugged a lot. On our last day we went to the Phoenix Zoo. Due to the unbearable heat,we were only able to visit part of the Africa Trail.

Phoenix Zoo Map. (Image source: Phoenix Zoo.org).
Phoenix Zoo Map.
(Image source: Phoenix Zoo.org).
Vultures & Giraffe.
Vultures & Giraffe.

It’s good to be back. I missed gardening.
It rained in the High Desert while we were away and we are praying for more rain in the days to come.

Aquarium of the Pacific Visit

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.6K views

This Afternoon we visited the largest Aquarium in Southern California, the Aquarium of the Pacific. It is a public aquarium on a 5-acre site on Rainbow Harbor in Long Beach, California which displays over 11,000 animals in more than 50 exhibits that represent the diversity of the Pacific Ocean.

The visit was a pre-birthday gift for my Son who turns seven tomorrow. The expressions on their faces upon arrival at the sight was priceless. Surprisingly they were patient and well behaved, which made our first visit at the Aquarium pleasant.

Family Cartoon Of Us.
Family Cartoon Of Us.

The kids learned so much about Aquatic Life and they were thrilled as we made our way through the different exhibits. It was a wonderful way to experience the Aquarium and see some of its amazing Marine Creatures. At the end of the day, we had a very talented gentle man draw a Family cartoon of us.

I hope you enjoy the slideshow below.


A Fun Day at Scandia

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read856 views

We spent a wonderful time today with the family at Scandia Amusement Park in Ontario with my Son’s best friend and his Father. We made a wise choice by purchasing Unlimited Pass as the  kids enjoyed the miniature golf, arcade and most rides (Lapland Landslide, Copenhagen Carrousel, Skagarrak Zoo, Norway Flyer, Denmark Railway, Hagar’s Truck Co., Oslo Fire Department, Little Dipper Coaster, Stockholm Raceway).

Aboard the Oslo Fire Department.
Aboard the Oslo Fire Department.
Enjoying the Miniature Golf.
Enjoying the Miniature Golf.
Fun Day at Scandia aboard the Denmark Railway.
Aboard the Denmark Railway.
Fun Day at Scandia aboard the Norway Flyer.
Aboard the Norway Flyer.
Fun Day at Scandia (Lapland Landslide).
Lapland Landslide.
Scandia aboard the Hagar’s Truck Co.
Aboard the Hagar’s Truck Co.
Aboard the Little Dipper Coaster.
Aboard the Little Dipper Coaster.

We left Scandia early in the evening and drove to Pomona, CA where we had diner at Mix Bowl Cafe.

What a relaxing and fun day we had!

Benise On My Mind

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read687 views

Here we are, the night before the first day of school. It’s almost hard to believe that the holidays are over and that my Son will be back to school again in just a few hours. He is excited and I am happy for him. We had a blast visiting places and doing the things we enjoy the most over the past few weeks without worrying about perfections and deadlines. Yesterday I asked my kids what they would like to do today and they said they wanted to go running around in the backyard. What about movies? I asked. “Well, maybe we could see Turbo,” my Son replied.

This morning we went to the movies and watched Turbo. We treasure movies on demand, though once in a while we enjoy going to the movies when it’s less crowded as it was the case today. We spent some time at the Park before returning home and allowing them to run around in the backyard.

I listened to Benise all afternoon. I love his Music and find it soothing. Nights Of Fire! does the trick all the time.

Benise, Nights Of Fire!
Benise, Nights Of Fire!.

The house is quiet. We said our prayers a couple of hours ago and the kids are sound asleep.