Kids Craft

DIY: LEGO Offroad Trike & Desert Rover

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read648 views

Tomorrow is back to School, Work and a busy life for most people we know.

I had a marvelous time with my kids at home. We had so much fun while learning new things every day. This morning, with the help of their Father, they created a few LEGO displays as well as the ones below.

LEGO Offroad Trike.
LEGO Offroad Trike.
LEGO Desert Rover.
LEGO Desert Rover.

I hope you all enjoyed your Holiday. May this New Year bring you Inner Peace and Joy.

DIY: LEGO MechWarrior

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.2K views

School is out for the holidays for my first grader who has been doing such an amazing job at school. In just five days we will be celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Until then, I am doing the best I can to keep some tiny fingers from opening all the presents underneath the Christmas Tree.

With the help of their Father, my kids got busy this morning with their LEGO bricks and elements and created a LEGO MechWarrior among other things. It’s simple and quite impressive.

LEGO MechWarrior.
LEGO MechWarrior.
LEGO MechWarrior.
LEGO MechWarrior.
LEGO MechWarrior.
LEGO MechWarrior.
LEGO MechWarrior.
LEGO MechWarrior.

Until next time, I hope you get creative with your kids.

DIY: LEGO Offroad War Jeep

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read671 views

My Son’s one week break is over and tomorrow is back to school. We had a great time together doing the things we enjoy the most (eating, playing games, dancing, sleeping late, traveling, watching movies and so much more). He is so exited to see his friends and teacher.

This morning he got busy with the LEGOs and started creating beautiful things such as the ones below.

LEGO BoyBot & Offroad War Jeep.
LEGO BoyBot & Offroad War Jeep.
LEGO BoyBot.
LEGO BoyBot.
LEGO Offroad War Jeep.
LEGO Offroad War Jeep.
LEGO Offroad War Jeep.
LEGO Offroad War Jeep.

Until next time, have a blessed Sunday.

DIY: LEGO Fun Creations

EPEngineer By EPEngineer1 min read1.2K views

While my girls were still asleep, I spent some quality time with my boy making fun creations with his LEGO blocks. I am always mesmerized by his ability to create beautiful things out of tiny objects.

LEGO Buddies Racers.
LEGO Buddies Racer.
LEGO Robot.
LEGO Robot.

The Giant LEGO Robot below is one which caught my attention as the head is too small for the size of the robot. I am not sure if his intention was to create a Samurai warrior, but it turned out to be a beautiful creation and he carefully balanced the pieces to make sure that the robot stands on its own without falling.

LEGO Robot.
Giant LEGO Robot.

I hope our creations are inspirational to you and yours.

DIY: LEGO Garden

Kashiro By Kashiro1 min read673 views

It’s Friday and School is out for the weekend. I would have loved to spend sometime in the backyard this afternoon playing with my sister, but I knew that wouldn’t have been possible. The weather has been very cold and windy even before the beginning of Fall and I know this is allergy season.

To make our playtime even more entertaining, my Mom gave us the huge box of LEGOs with extra accessories and we build so many different things, my sister and me. Amongst my creations I built a LEGO Garden for my Mommy just in case the weather doesn’t get better all weekend. She smiled. She liked it.

LEGO Garden.
LEGO Garden.
LEGO Garden.
LEGO Garden.

Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow.