Today we are having a little break from the dreadful weather. The sun is up, the skies are blue and light winds are expected all day with a 10% probability of rainfall. The neighborhood is alive. Some are busy with yard clean-up, setting up for a yard sale and others are soaking up some sun while listening to music. I have barely seen my neighbors in weeks, so it feels good to know they are still alive and kicking.
It snowed a little on Wednesday night and Thursday morning was extremely cold. This is the first time in so many years that I have felt this cold and we haven’t had so much back to back rain storms either. Still, we are very grateful to Mother Nature.

The view of the mountains was particularly breathtaking on Thursday morning. So much snow, so much white.

We didn’t realized that one of planters in the front yard had retained water from the rain; and this morning, the water was frozen.

Thankfully all my plants are drought and frost tolerant.

My Report Cove furry boots kept my feet warm and got me through the day. I have had these Alpine inspired boots for thirteen years and they are my go-to choice for cold weather.

The sun came up this morning and I had an opportunity to take a walk in the backyard. Not enough warmth to do some gardening, but enough to watch a horse trainer teach a horse to dance, most likely for an upcoming event.

There’s something about raindrops on plants …

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend despite the cold weather.