Yesterday’s rainfall brought so much joy and peace of mind.
It is the second rain we have had since the start of Summer and it was such a relief. Like most weekends, we are always out and about visiting Vintage and Antique Shops, Retail Stores, Nurseries and so much more. One thing I very much wanted to do this weekend was to take the kids to a Park and let them loose.
Instead of doing those wonderful things, we opted to stay home. As of now, the backyard fencing is 80% complete. We got rid of more Oleanders and what a difference! It feels like we gained three feet on that side of the yard. It started raining, so we ran into the garage, sat back enjoying some delicious and nutritious snacks while watching the rain fall. It was a wonderful moment for the kids. As soon as the rains stopped, they resumed drawing on the driveway with Crayola Sidewalk Chalk and we continued digging out more Oleanders.

Early in the evening as my husband was removing and replacing all the solar batteries, he spotted a Hawk perched on a Wire just above the Sweet Almond Tree.