“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
― Maya Angelou
Early this morning, my husband found a package on our porch which held a Hummingbird Elixir Feeder by Classic Brands™ LLC and Premium Ready to use Natural Springs Nectar® Hummingbird Food by Pennington®. The gift was left there for us by one of our loving neighbors as a token of their continuous gratitude.
Hummingbird Feeder and Food.
Our beloved neighbors have been a blessing to us from the moment we moved into this city. We thank the Almighty God for them and pray ceaselessly for them.
“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
The past couple of weeks have been quite a roller coaster for me with mix feelings. I reflected a lot about my life and the path I wanted to follow. I spent quite some time figuring out how to break a very unhealthy bond and set my mind free. As painful as it is to end a relationship, it is always the right thing to do. When you come to the realization that nothing you do or say will change a situation, then it is time you end the story, turn the page, move on and begin a new chapter in your Life. Second chances at life are rare. How do we account for wasted years?
They say that things have a funny way of working themselves out and it’s true. I was set free by the same individual whom I have been praying to distance myself from and I am very grateful for their obnoxious act which worked in my favor. Thankfully for me, that is one less headache to worry about. I am free and I gained peace of mind.
Outback Steakhouse Restaurant Gift Card
Our neighbors graced us with a set of gift cards for Outback Steakhouse and a beautiful heartfelt Thank You card in appreciation for all our help and unconditional love. They often refer to us as their God sent Angels and this time wasn’t any different. As I gently hugged the husband, I felt as though they were our God sent. On one hand I was dealing with an individual who went through their life causing division amongst us and spreading hatred. Here I was in the arms of a Man whom I have only known for the last seven years. A Man who thinks I am an amazing Spiritual being, who uplifts my Spirit and understands the true essence of living.
“I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.”
― Romans 16:17 (NIV)
Everything will be just fine. This, I know for sure.
Every year, around this time of year, I pray and ask the Almighty God to give me the strength to do what I have to do for myself and Family as well as the strength to bless someone in need. This year my prayers went out to one of our neighbors, an elderly couple, who have so much on their shoulders at the moment.
On Thursday I finally rid my entire property of weeds, for the second time, following last month’s three-day rain storm. This morning we headed over to our neighbors and began cleaning their front yard with the same love and care we did ours. It felt good and we were grateful to be able to gift them part of our time for a task that would give them peace of mind and a beautiful yard until next Winter, when the weeds return.
Image Source: QuotesPictures.com
There are many ways to bless others:
Pray for someone
Visit and spend time with someone
Compliment and Express Gratitude
Volunteer your time to a meaningful task
Make time for your loved ones
Donate money to help a cause
Be a good example
Assist someone in need (make dinner, give a ride, babysit, tutor, etc)
Pay something forward and start a positive chain of action
“When you wish someone joy, you wish them peace, love, prosperity, happiness… all the good things.” ― Maya Angelou
The sun has come.
The mist has gone.
We see in the distance…
our long way home.
I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out of time.
When the first stone looked up at the blazing sun
and the first tree struggled up from the forest floor
I had always loved you more.
You freed your braids…
gave your hair to the breeze.
It hummed like a hive of honey bees.
I reached in the mass for the sweet honey comb there….
Mmmm…God how I love your hair.
You saw me bludgeoned by circumstance.
Lost, injured, hurt by chance.
I screamed to the heavens….loudly screamed….
Trying to change our nightmares into dreams…
The sun has come.
The mist has gone.
We see in the distance our long way home.
I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out
in and out
in and out
of time.
Where do you take a curious little girl when the weather is not at its best in your area and you want to escape it all? Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I took my beautiful Child to Downtown Pomona and surrounding cities for some Vintage and Antique shopping as well as some delicious treats.
Occasionally, my husband and I talk about moving back to Pomona, CA – then we remember there’s a reason we moved out of there in the first place and settled here in the High Desert.
Minnie Mouse Ballerina, Porcelain Figurine.
We visited a few shops, including our favorite Pomona Antique Mart.
After Pomona, we drove up to Claremont, CA for some Ice Cream at Baskin Robbins. We last visited this location about thirteen years ago and I loved the atmosphere. We decided to take the kids there to have some treats. From there we drove down to Red Ribbon Bakeshop in West Covina, CA, a place my husband used to frequent with his college buddies when they needed a good meal. I instantly fell in love with the shop once introduced.
I placed a large order of my favorite Chicken Empanada (lightly toasted savory dough generously filled with delectable chicken). I also ordered a Mango Roll (which consists of juicy mango bits and rich butter icing tucked into moist chiffon cake). The Mango Roll has always been my favorite in the shop and it is so delicious.
Chicken Empanada from Red Ribbon Bakeshop.
All in all, we had a blessed day and good moments revisiting some places we love. My Amazing and my Gracious child turned 4 today and I am in awe with my Lord for the gift of Life and Hope.
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” ― Psalm 16:11