
Getting Into Holiday Mood

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.1K views

It’s almost that wonderful time of year. It’s cold outside and some mornings are ice cold.

We have been debating whether or not to put up the Christmas tree this year. It’s fun setting things up and decorating; when it comes time to take everything down and storing, none of my helpers are to be found. Either way, having a Christmas tree gets us into the holiday mood as well as listening to Christmas music.

Holiday Elves.

We didn’t go for a white Christmas this time. We opted for the little green Christmas tree and a few of our favorite ornaments. This year, the huge elves are on the shelves and their fun mischievous (medium size) replica on a ladder next to the Christmas tree.

Christmas Tree and Elves on Ladder.

This year, my favorite ornaments on the tree are the Lauren Conrad Christmas ornaments below. The Mouse Candy Cane, Fox and Bunny Ballerina. They are beautifully well made.

Lauren Conrad Christmas Ornaments.

I love the nativity scene glass cloche below featuring Mary, Joseph and Jesus.

Nativity Scene Glass Cloche.

I found the beautiful miniature living Christmas trees at Walmart earlier this morning. Went in to buy a t-shirt for my son’s project and couldn’t resist bringing one home.

Miniature Living Christmas Trees.

For the first time in many years, the neighborhood is alive this holiday season. Most of the neighbors have decorated their yards and put up lights and the sight is beautiful at night (which is enough for us). We are keeping things simple and to a minimum.

We are extending our attitude of gratitude by continuously giving to charities.

Warmest wishes of the season from our family to yours.

Season Greetings

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read627 views

It’s been a couple of months since my last blog post.
I have been extremely busy. In addition to taking care of my family needs, I have been helping out an elderly neighbor. The past months have been quite overwhelming and rewarding. I have been transformed through every single act of service, and I am facing life cheerfully.

Have you and your loved ones been well? Have you accomplished everything you set out to achieve this year? In the midst of chaos in your life, did you manage to put yourself first? Did you get to reach out to, love, forgive, comfort, help, give back to someone?

Let your good deeds be like rain, drop a little everywhere.
Source: MuslimKids.TV

May the peace and beauty of this holiday season be with you and your families throughout the upcoming year.

A Box of Surprises

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read621 views

Since I moved to the High Desert of California, I have been amazed by what I have crowned “celebrating forward.” You know, celebrating seasons months in advance (or all year round) especially when the event is not here yet.

This year is no different as I saw Christmas lights and decorations up while driving around today. I loved it. It lifts us up with anticipation and awakens in us the spirit of gratitude and love. We are grateful and excited to celebrate Christmas with Family and Friends. Here at my house we are holding off on putting up the Christmas tree and decorations until the second week of December.

This afternoon my husband found a surprise in the mail box. The package, full of Christmas supplies, was from one of our wonderful neighbors. It had everything from colorful gift wraps, a Dream Catcher ornament, calendars, Christmas cards (with over a hundred different designs of unique cards) and a stocking.

The simple, yet beautiful Native American Indian Christmas Holiday Stocking is made of felt with a Southwestern feel.

SouthWestern Stocking.
Southwestern Christmas Stocking.

Assorted gift wrapping papers and Dream Catcher with Holly ornament.

Christmas Gift Wraps.
Christmas Gift Wraps and Dream Catcher Ornament.

I am grateful for the little things which have great effect on the mind.

Love is the only true Gift that keeps on giving.

Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving week.