
Merry Christmas 2020!

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read764 views

“Christmas is the day that holds all time together.” — Alexander Smith

This year has been very difficult for many of us.
We are still here, still breathing, still standing, still fighting, still dreaming and still hoping.

St. Nicholas Square® Reindeer Decor.

May the magic of Christmas together with Nature, conspire in your favor and fill your hearts with peace and joy. May your pain fade away and the days ahead be merry and bright.

“God bless us, every one!” A Christmas Carol

Joyeux Noël

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read912 views

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of Love.” — Hamilton Wright Mabie

Merry Christmas.

Wishing you all a blessed Christmas. May it be Merry and Bright!

“He who doesn’t has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.” — Roy L. Smith

Transplanting Seedlings

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read893 views

It’s been a very busy weekend for us. We helped two neighbors get rid of weeds around their property. Although we are a little sore, it felt good and it brightened their day. We offer such physical labor once in a blue moon to neighbors who need it the most.

We were gifted a 3 year old, 8 and a half foot Elm Tree, which we transplanted on Saturday. The seed from the mother tree landed on my neighbor’s backyard, on the side of a sprinkler line and grew. We carefully dug it out and transplanted it in our backyard. We hope and pray that it survives and thrives.

Young Elm Tree and clusters of fruits (Samaras).

The weather has been wonderful since the beginning of the week and even though the ground is getting stiffer, it is still a good time to pull out those weeds before they start shooting their seeds (which remain viable for many years). It took me a few years of dedication and hard labor to eradicate those seeds and my yard is weed free today because I never gave those weeds a chance to sprout to begin with.

My Gaura plants as well as my Scotch and French Broom shrubs have spread their seeds all over my property. It’s insane, I could start a nursery with all the seedlings. Since it was a little gloomy in the morning, I spent over an hour digging out, transplanting and relocating the seedlings. I also transplanted a few Dwarf Cup Flower seedlings.

The Purple-Leaf Cherry Plum trees are now in full bloom. The Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry is starting to bud and flower.

Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry Blossoms.

I haven’t done much this Winter but read, drink tea and read some more. With the weather getting warmer, I am ready to redesign and expand parts of my backyard garden.

Happy gardening and Spring cleaning.