
Hectic Weather

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read692 views

The weather is fresh and we have experienced cooler temperatures all weekend long, which is precisely what we need here in the High Desert. We had such a wonderful time outdoors earlier in the day.

We secured all the openings around the wooden fence to prevent the ground Squirrels from using them as entry and exit points to and from the front yard. We had a Twister in the backyard. Although it lasted just a few seconds, it brought so much debris from the empty lot at the back of our property into our yard.

My Longiflorum-Asiatic Lily ‘Birgi’ all in bloom. Such a delicate beauty.

Longiflorum-Asiatic Lily 'Birgi.'
Longiflorum-Asiatic Lily ‘Birgi.’

I am sure tomorrow will be a better day.

Still Pictures: Gladiolus ‘Peter Pears’

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read929 views

I didn’t think I would step outside today until I stood next to one of my bedroom windows (facing the backyard) and saw this gorgeous plant in bloom with magnificent orange flowers and its tall stalks. I love Gladiolas and ‘Peter Pears’ is one of my favorites.

Gladiolus Peter Pears.
Gladiolus ‘Peter Pears’.
Gladiolus Peter Pears.
Gladiolus ‘Peter Pears’.

Interested in the Fairy and Deer Friend Shadow Garden Stake? Get yours from Collections Etc.

Weekend Updates

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read545 views

Lovely weekend here in the High Desert and I am so thankful for the cooler temperatures we’re having late in the afternoon.

I haven’t gardened in a very long time as the plants seem to do just fine when left alone.
The ground squirrels seem to be on their best behavior; they must have realized that we are unto them and we are not backing down. Besides, all the plants now have chicken wire around their base as well as the plant itself. Some neighbors are starting to destroy their burrows, which hopefully will drive them away from this side of the neighborhood. How great would it be if everyone was working hard to eradicate this problem!

Seven months after being planted, my son’s tiny Pumpkin from his field trip has emerged and is fast growing. My son, of course, is thrilled. I almost dug it out by mistake, until I saw the familiar large leaves. Not many plants have their leaves larger than the plant themselves. Everything has been going really well until last Saturday. As we went to the Beach for the day, little did we know that we would return home to find our young pumpkin plant half eaten. We’ve enclosed the raised bed with chicken wire to prevent the squirrels from causing further damages to the young plant. I can’t tell if we’ll be getting any good sized pumpkin out of it.

Pumpkin Sprout.
Pumpkin Sprout.

On Friday night we took a trip to Lowe’s and purchased more Privacy Fence Slats which we put in on Saturday morning. I like and respect my neighbors and I really don’t need to know what’s going on in their side of the fence. Some are neat, others not so much. Without fence privacy a neighbor’s pile of trash can make your yard look unpleasant as well. Our yard is huge, spacious and we enjoy spending time outdoors. Therefore for us, adding some privacy gives us some peace of mind and helps us maintain a peaceful and healthy relation with our neighbors. Like the saying goes, “good fences make good neighbors”.

Happy Gardening!