Food and Drink

Stephanie’s Sweet Creations

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.7K views

I awoke joyful with infinite gratitude in my heart for all the blessings in my life; both seen and unseen, as I celebrated the seven birthday of my first born, the peaceful force who keeps me grounded.

All Summer long he has been into Minecraft, a game about breaking and placing blocks as well as WorldCraft, an alternative to Minecraft. For his seventh birthday we surprised him with a delicious Minecraft Cake, home delivered by the talented Stephanie herself. He loved everything about it and we love that it made his day.

Minecraft Cake by Stephanie's Sweet Creations.
Minecraft Cake by Stephanie’s Sweet Creations.

Stephanie is the owner at Stephanie’s Sweet Creations. She specializes in creative and delicious Cupcakes, Cake Pops as well as Cakes like the ones below. Checkout her Facebook page for more creations.


Stephanie’s Sweet Creations

Phone: 1 (760) 954-5065
Website: Stephanie’s Sweet Creations
Find, Like and Follow on Facebook.

If you reside in the High Desert of California or surrounding area, I highly recommend her services. She’s very talented and as she cheerfully says it herself, “I would love to make your celebration even more special with my unique confections!”

Enjoying Pizza Hut

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read2.1K views

Last week my Son received his very first Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate (for his 2013-2014 school year) to celebrate another reading accomplishment. Tonight he placed an order of his favorite Pan Cheese Pizza and received a sticker, making it the second sticker in the new redesigned Passport.

Book It!® Reading Program Passport & Certificate.
Book It!® Reading Program Passport & Certificate.

Book It!® now offers a free online Minute Tracker which means that as soon as a child meets the monthly reading goal, the teacher gives him or her a Reading Award Certificate. Click here to sign up and get started.

Pizza Hut® Pan Cheese Pizza.
Pizza Hut® Pan Cheese Pizza.

It’s been a very good day and we are all content. The weather forecast for tomorrow predicts rain early in the afternoon, which means that I have to make sure my Son is dressed warm for school in the morning.

To Go Gluten-Free Or Not

JM Perez By JM Perez3 min read513 views

As I pulled out my coupon drawer in the kitchen to check out their expiration dates, I noticed that 95% of them are for Gluten Free products. The realization instantly sparked my curiosity and I have been reading up on the subject which I found quite interesting as it seems to be the word on the street.

Wikipedia defines Gluten as a protein composite found in foods processed from wheat and related grain species, including barley and rye. Gluten gives elasticity to dough, helping it rise and keep its shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture. Because gluten is hard to digest it can cause serious health issues to individuals with gluten sensitivity (such as weight loss, joint aches, abdominal pain, bloating, heartburn, anxiety, headache, skin rashes, fatigue) and can also create a much more serious condition known as Celiac Disease.

As most people asked, what’s the deal with Gluten-Free? A Gluten-Free diet is pretty much one that excludes food containing the protein Gluten and it is the only medically accepted treatment for Celiac Disease.
According to Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Celiac Disease is a condition that creates inflammation and damages the lining of the small intestine. This prevents absorbing components of food that are important for staying healthy. The damage is due to a reaction to eating gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, rye, and possibly oats. The exact cause of the disease is unknown.

Pasta Gluten Free Coupon.
Pasta Gluten Free Coupon.

According to Dr. Arthur Agatston, Living gluten-free can make you fat (read the full article here). He explains that some people who go off gluten to lose weight end up gaining weight instead. That’s because they consume gluten-free packaged products that are often just as high in saturated fat, sugar and sodium as other junk food, and these products often contain high-glycemic refined ingredients like white rice flour or fillers like potato starch that can affect your blood sugar and trigger cravings.

Also, according to Jillian Michaels, Gluten-free foods aren’t better for your health. She stated, don’t be fooled — gluten-free doesn’t automatically mean “low calorie” or “healthy.” In fact, gluten-free foods are not only more expensive, but full of extra calories and sugars to make up for taste and texture when alternative products are swapped. They also tend to have less fiber than their gluten-containing counterparts. Unless people are careful, a gluten-free diet can lack essential nutrients since a lot of the gluten-free products tend to be low in B vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. Another rule of thumb, don’t confuse “gluten free” with “low carbohydrate,” some gluten-free pastas are actually higher in carbohydrates than regular pasta.

A few helpful links:

To Go Gluten-Free Or Not?
While we can all agree that Gluten-Free foods might be the only option for Celiac Disease sufferers, they may have little to no benefits to the non sufferers. The key is to always remember that Gluten Free diet doesn’t necessarily mean healthy since some products can be high in calories and carbohydrates. In the end, the key to a healthier self is to eat a healthy, balanced diet and give our body all the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Always Read Food Nutrition Labels to understand and make healthier choices, contributing to an overall healthy diet. Which ever route you take, you should stick with the diet that works for you.

Celebrating Thanksgiving

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read743 views

I love Thanksgiving as it is one of my favorite holidays. I love the joyful gatherings, food preparation, sweet sounds of laughter echoing throughout the House, listening to everyone take turns expressing their gratitude and even the clean up after the party. Thanksgiving is usually the time I reunite with people I haven’t seen in a long time, since most of us gather once a year, either during Thanksgiving or Christmas because we are many miles across the country from each other. I cherish the memories of Thanksgiving and carry them throughout the year.

Like every single day of my life, there is so much to be Thankful for: Life – Health – Peace – Joy – Family – Friends – Love and so much more. One more thing I wish for this year is having my Mother, whom I love so much, here with me. I want to see her and not just talk to her on a daily basis as we have become accustomed to. The same goes for my beloved Father. I want to express my gratitude for all she has done and sacrificed for me. I want to take care of her, celebrate her life and give back anyway I possibly can.

Seasoned Turkey.
Seasoned Turkey (Herbs and Spices).
Roasted Thanksgiving Turkey.
Roasted Thanksgiving Turkey.

This year, my husband will be roasting a Turkey and I am sure it will be as delicious as the one he did the previous year. My husband will be off for four days and my Son will be having a whole week off. We could even travel somewhere if time permits; sightseeing, exploring, visiting family and friends. Maybe we could forget about sightseeing and volunteer somewhere; brighten someone’s day and give to the less fortunate.

I am thankful for fond memories. Nothing is perfect in the World, but what I have is sufficient for me to thrive and give back. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and which I have carried with me on my way through Life. My prayers go out to the families of those who have lost so much, that they may find peace, comfort and strength in God’s faithfulness. I pray they may also find compassion and kindness in mankind.

“Be present at our table, Lord. Be here and everywhere adored. Thy creatures bless and grant that we may feast in paradise with Thee.” – John Cennick

Wishing you all a safe and blessed Thanksgiving with loved ones wherever you are.

Fun Edible Spookiness

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.1K views

Halloween is just around the corner and this year my kids are looking forward to it with excitement.  They love their costumes which they will be sporting for Howl Fest on Friday at my Son’s school. In the interim, we are still figuring out what to do for Halloween; especially treats we can make at home.

Be it food, drawings, movies or costumes, my kids have no interest in anything scary. I am sharing with you a few edible ideas that are kid-friendly, spooky and fun. When it comes to Halloween and food, creativity is endless. You can imagine and make something fun or you can find ideas on Pinterest.

Mummy Cupcake. Source.
Mummy Cupcake.
Mummy Pizzas. Source.
Mummy Pizzas.
Melting Witch Cookies
Melting Witch Cookies.
Ghoulish Breadsticks. Source.
Ghoulish Breadsticks.
Broomstick Pretzel Treats. Source.
Broomstick Pretzel Treats.
Spider Deviled Eggs.
Albino Black Widow Spider Deviled Eggs.
Eyeball Caprese. Source.
Eyeball Caprese.
Witch Hat Cookies. Source.
Witch Hat Cookies.
Oreo Pudding Graveyard.
Oreo Pudding Graveyard.
Cheesy "Ham-witch." Source.
Cheesy “Ham-witch.”
Frankenstein Baked Pepper. Source.
Frankenstein Baked Pepper.
Sweet Ghost Crisps. Source.
Sweet Ghost Crisps.
Rat Meatballs. Source.
Rat Meatballs.
Freakish Frog with Fly. Source.
Freakish Frog with Fly.
Tentacle Pot Pie. Source.
Tentacle Pot Pie.
Frankenstein Kiwi. Source.
Frankenstein Kiwi.
Frankenstein Cupcakes. Source.
Frankenstein Cupcakes.
Zombie Pinapple. Source.
Zombie Pineapple.

Have a fun and safe Halloween!