
To My Soul Brother, With Love

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read550 views

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” ― James 1:17 (ESV)

I was graced with three Brothers, all of which are special in their own ways. Being the surviving female in the family has strengthened our bond in ways I could never dream of. The first boy, my senior, is one whom I have always looked up to for advice and compassion. My follower is more or less like me. My youngest brother, who just turned thirty (hip hip!), is one with whom I had a special relationship growing up.

Oh boy, was he hardheaded and sweet!
I remember a few fights with my elder brother as a child. With Oliver, we took it to a different level. How could such a sweet little boy be so stubborn? He was strong-willed, had a mind of his own and would not give in for all the gold in the World. In the midst of it all, he had so much love and respect for me and I, loved him so.

My Dear Baby Brother.
Oliver, My Handsome Little Soul Brother (not so little anymore).

He is My Soul Brother who understands my unspoken words.
He is the one who gave both our Mother and me a chance to spend a few more minutes with our Sister before she left this World of mortals; though in my heart I know he was too young to witness the moment.
He is a fighter. I am so proud of his achievements and accomplishments. He could have easily chosen a different path or sought an easier way out; rather, he chose to stand tough and stay the course.

Happy Birthday Baby Brother! May our Heavenly Father grant you many, many more blessed years to share with me. Make this first year of your 30’s count and count me in for even greater support. I Love You tremendously.

Our Gingerbread House

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.1K views

“The way you spend Christmas is far more important than how much.” – Henry David Thoreau

Together with the kids, we’ve decided to do something fun while waiting for midnight and the opening of the gifts. We decorated the Gingerbread House (Pepparkaka Hus) we bought at Ikea a couple of weeks ago. I am sure it would have been so much fun making one from scratch.

Plain Gingerbread House.
Plain Gingerbread House.

We used caramel syrup to glue the pieces together and everyone pitched in with the decorations.

Gingerbread House Decorated.
Gingerbread House Decorated.
Gingerbread House Decorated.
Gingerbread House Decorated.

Merry Christmas!

“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.” – Roy L. Smith

Happy Holidays!

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read552 views

This year I decided to keep the Christmas Tree decorating simple which meant no ribbons, bows, flowers, beaded garland and no train set up around the tree. I selected just a few of the ornaments and we randomly hung them, placing the vintage Angel Tree Topper at the top of our White Christmas Tree.

Christmas Tree, 2013.
Christmas Tree, 2013.

I used two different wrapping papers for the gifts as well as tags, to ensure that we each open what belongs to us.  I have learned the hard way that my daughter dislike people opening gifts for her (unless she ask for help). I have my Christmas wrapping all set up and now looking forward to watching the joy of my kids faces when they discover what are in those carefully wrapped boxes.

In addition to the large elegant Wreath on the front door, there’s a weather-resistant Winter Garden Flag outside our front door to give our visitors an initial warm welcome.

Winter Garden Flag.
Winter Garden Flag.

May your hearts be filled with the Spirit of Christmas.

Happy Holidays!

Celebrating Thanksgiving

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read711 views

I love Thanksgiving as it is one of my favorite holidays. I love the joyful gatherings, food preparation, sweet sounds of laughter echoing throughout the House, listening to everyone take turns expressing their gratitude and even the clean up after the party. Thanksgiving is usually the time I reunite with people I haven’t seen in a long time, since most of us gather once a year, either during Thanksgiving or Christmas because we are many miles across the country from each other. I cherish the memories of Thanksgiving and carry them throughout the year.

Like every single day of my life, there is so much to be Thankful for: Life – Health – Peace – Joy – Family – Friends – Love and so much more. One more thing I wish for this year is having my Mother, whom I love so much, here with me. I want to see her and not just talk to her on a daily basis as we have become accustomed to. The same goes for my beloved Father. I want to express my gratitude for all she has done and sacrificed for me. I want to take care of her, celebrate her life and give back anyway I possibly can.

Seasoned Turkey.
Seasoned Turkey (Herbs and Spices).
Roasted Thanksgiving Turkey.
Roasted Thanksgiving Turkey.

This year, my husband will be roasting a Turkey and I am sure it will be as delicious as the one he did the previous year. My husband will be off for four days and my Son will be having a whole week off. We could even travel somewhere if time permits; sightseeing, exploring, visiting family and friends. Maybe we could forget about sightseeing and volunteer somewhere; brighten someone’s day and give to the less fortunate.

I am thankful for fond memories. Nothing is perfect in the World, but what I have is sufficient for me to thrive and give back. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and which I have carried with me on my way through Life. My prayers go out to the families of those who have lost so much, that they may find peace, comfort and strength in God’s faithfulness. I pray they may also find compassion and kindness in mankind.

“Be present at our table, Lord. Be here and everywhere adored. Thy creatures bless and grant that we may feast in paradise with Thee.” – John Cennick

Wishing you all a safe and blessed Thanksgiving with loved ones wherever you are.

Sick with Stomach Flu

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read593 views

Upon waking up on Thursday morning my daughter came down with the stomach flu. She spent the entire day throwing up and taking trips to the bathroom. Though she’s such a strong, lively child and didn’t let her illness bring her down; I felt a wave of helplessness enveloping me. As a parent it’s always heartbreaking watching your child go through something like that. Just as she started getting better; her brother became the next victim and kept me up all night. I helped him clean up, gave him new clothes, changed the sheets and sent him in another room. Little did I know that I was already infected from cleaning contaminated surfaces.

As I began throwing up in the toilet, I heard my boy doing the same in his. How could I possibly take care of my sick child while I was fighting the same fight? It was a long, uncomfortable and painful night. At least, my daughter was sound asleep (I would have lost my mind otherwise). With much luck, we made it through the night until my husband came home this morning (took over for a little while to give me time to rest and recuperate) before beginning throwing up himself. We called my son’s school to let them know he wouldn’t make it in today.

When I Recover ... (Source).
When I Recover … (Source).

What a way to spend the weekend! To be held hostage by the Stomach Flu. At least we are still alive and we are getting much better. I started disinfecting the house and as soon as I am 100% on my feet, I will be sanitizing the kids toys  and deep cleaning the carpets. As of now we will stay hydrated and make the most of our day.

According to, we should try to avoid drinking too much plain water, or beverages like soda or juice that contain sugar, but not enough of the right electrolytes, says Dr. Rogg. Putting water into your body without adding electrolytes will dilute the electrolytes that still remain in your body, Dr. Rogg explains, while taking in sugar without salt can make your diarrhea worse. WikiHow suggests to make your own oral rehydration solution if you’re struggling to stay hydrated or you can’t leave the house to buy an electrolyte solution at the pharmacy. Mix the following, and drink as much as you can:

  • 4.25 cups (1 litre) clean water
  • 6 tsp (30 ml) sugar
  • 0.5 tsp (2.5 ml) salt

Also, according to the website, ‘Stomach Flu’ could be caused by your refrigerator. The article, which you can read here, recommends to check out your refrigerator and make sure it is at 40 degrees or below, to follow safe food handling at home to prevent deadly food poisoning.

Click here or here to figure out if you are suffering from Stomach Flu (Gastroenteritis) or Influenza.