
Back To School Routine

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read535 views

Today is officially back to School Day at Cottonwood Elementary. For my Kindergartener as well as the other students, it will be the first day back from a three-week break. We had a fantastic time being silly, getting crafty, watching movies, sleeping late, baking, enjoying each others company and fighting a Cold together.

My Son is super excited to meet his wonderful teacher and friends and I am excited to hear about his little stories and all the fun activities he had at School. His Sister, on the other hand, is not too happy about him returning to school (I overheard them talking in the room last night). After informing her that he will be leaving for school in the morning, she simply told him that ‘she is sad, she will miss him and she doesn’t want him to go to school.’ He replied by stating that he had to go and when he returns home, they will have lots and lots of fun.

Image Source:

My kids believe they are the best thing in the World for one another. As troublesome as they can sometimes be and as annoying as they can be to one another, they always look out for  each other and keep safe. Enough to melt my heart and make me proud. My daughter and I will be enjoying more quiet time in the mornings.

Last night, after reminding my Son about the importance of eating right, exercising, taking vitamins, getting enough sleep and keeping his hands to himself (to fight against self-contamination and prevent germs from spreading); I made sure he still had enough pocket tissues, enough cough and cold drops and I made sure there was a travel size hand sanitizer  in his backpack. This season has been labeled the worst Flu season in years and parents shouldn’t take it lightly when it comes to the health and wellness of their children.

A Cousin’s Gifts

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read548 views

What a day! We’ve been running errands all morning (from mailing gifts to visiting Vintage shops and everything in between). We stopped by Lowe’s®, where I picked up a pair of Christmas Stockings, some plants, bulbs and a few Barrel Planters. We made a quick stop at Kohl’s® to get the last items on our Christmas decoration list.

As I went to check the mails after unloading the plants from the car, I found a large package waiting for me in the mailbox. By its weight and without looking at the senders address; I knew it was the gifts from my niece to her little cousins. While my Mom was visiting with them in France early this month, she promised to send Books, CDs and other souvenirs to her cousins. These are just a few of them. My son was so excited that he started reading. He has been anxious to read the stories even though they are written in French. Starting tomorrow, we will pick up where we left off and I am confident that he will be fluent in French in no time.

Livres & CDs Pour Enfants: 2 à 5 ans.

I am grateful for this day and I can’t wait to find out what tomorrow has in store for me.

Turkey Decorating Project

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read747 views

Early this week Ivan came home with a project that involves the whole family. Along with his weekly homework, he was given a plain drawing of a Turkey. As a family project, we were asked to decorate the Turkey using whatever we wanted. After making a few suggestions, he decided to proceed with Cereal (for the feathers, caruncles and wattle), Crayons and a button (for the eye). Though time consuming, it was more fun than we thought it would be.

Turkey Decorating Project.

The project was then displayed at school for a couple of weeks and then returned to the students.

Award Day at School

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read512 views

So, this morning was Award Day at Cottonwood Elementary for the Kindergarteners and 1st Graders. Some of the Awards being given were in the following category: Leadership, Math, Reading, Good Citizen, Effort/Improvement and Attendance. My wonderful Ivan received an Award for Reading and advancement of his sight words. According to his Teacher, he is on the First/Second Grade list.

Yesterday he received his second Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate to celebrate another reading accomplishment. We are very proud of our little boy and he is very proud of himself too.

Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate.

Right now he is interested in Science and we are giving him all the help we can in this field as well as in Math.

Nurturing Goes a Long, Long Way

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read917 views

Ivan: Mom, are you proud of me?
Me: Yes, very.
Ivan: Why? Because I did well at school?
Me: Yes and because I love you.
Ivan: If I do an even better job will you be prouder?
Me: Yes, I will. But remember, it’s not just about doing a good job. You must be kind and respectful to others to.
Ivan: Ok Mommy.

Yesterday, along with other Kindergarten kids, Ivan went on his first field trip to the Pumpkin Patch at the Boulder Creek Ranch Harvest Festival. It is one thing to drop him off at school and it’s another to let him go on a field trip, especially as he is known to be an explorer. I had to bury my fears and put my trust in the hands of the wonderful teachers and volunteers who accompanied them on this field trip. Prior to leaving for school, his Father surprised him with some drawings of things he enjoys on his disposable lunch bag. We always find ways to make him feel special, especially when we are not around. Turned out that he had an awesome time.

Boulder Creek Ranch
19099 Lemon St, Hesperia, CA 92345
Phone: (760) 244-0096 OR  (760) 956-9300
October 13th – October 28th
Open: 11:00 AM – Dusk

Custom ‘Disposable’ Lunch Paper Bag.

Going back to my heartfelt conversation with my Son. He is at a stage of his life, where he sees things, analyses and remembers them. So, as a parent, is it important for me to be patient, encouraging, loving and honest with him. I must be ready to answer his questions, honestly, the best way I possibly can, based on his age and ability to understand, without going into much details. I always take my kids questions seriously.
It is critical for us, parents, to be involved in all aspects of our children lives, allowing them to experience life and things for themselves. One thing we should avoid at all cost is to rob them of their Innocence.

My Son is so proud of himself for receiving a lot of rewards, prices from school for being a good and responsible student. Recently, he received this Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate to celebrate his reading accomplishment (Book It!® is a reading incentive program that Pizza Hut® has sponsored since 1985).

Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate.

If we cannot stand with them while they are growing up; how then, do we expect to reconnect with them once they’ve mature? In some cases, we are all they’ve got. Not being there for them when they need us is one thing they will never forget; adding a twist to their face, that, we will regret.