
Backyard Fencing

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read717 views

Good fences make good neighbors

. This statement has always been true for us, except this year. Since the beginning of the year, we have been tested so many times and in so many ways by one of our new neighbors. Neighbors who do not respect boundaries are a pain. To save ourselves from aggravation and not wanting to start a fight (with people who are clearly in for one), we had to turn to the law. We installed a security camera last month and decided to put up a fence, nice and high. The next step will most likely be to electrify the fence to keep animals and intruders out of our yard.

Yesterday we dug out four holes for the posts and used concrete to set the fence posts in place (keeping the fence away from the property line). This morning we installed the  supporting rails and screwed in the individual fence pickets to the support rails. As of this moment, the left side of the backyard fence is almost done. Even thought the height blocks part of the mountain and we will miss seeing some of the beautiful sceneries, it’s just a small price to pay for peace of mind.

Left side of the backyard fence, almost complete.

Four years ago as we put in the privacy fence slats, we dug up and disposed of the mature Oleanders growing along the chain link fence. I don’t think I will be planting anything on this side of the backyard since it’s too far back. I am growing trees (the pomegranate, Navajo Globe Willow, Bird of Paradise Bush, California Fan Palm, Mimosa tree, Mexican Bird of Paradise) and shrubs (Silvery Cassia, Texas Sage, Scotch Broom and Berkman’s Golden Arborvitae) almost at the end of the backyard as well as its left side.

Breath of fresh air …
With most of the fence up, I will begin implementing a few of my design ideas.

One Erratic Day

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read678 views

Today has been the most erratic day of the year with a mix of strong/high winds, really low temperatures and very light rain, which gave us a light blanket of white powdery snow. Once the rain stopped and the sun came out, we found ourselves with a nice clear blue sky and a cold, windy atmosphere (the type that literally gets down to our bones and reminds us that we’re still alive). Even the lower Mountain elevations which are normally spared were covered in snow.

Snowy Mountains.
Snowy Mountains.

Though Gratitude should be expressed and applied on a daily basis, it is during days like these that we are truly grateful for having a roof over our heads and for having people who love us enough to care about our well being. I can only pray for everyone’s safety and for this erratic weather to end.

Nisqualli Overpass, Victorville, CA.
Nisqualli Overpass, Victorville, CA.

On a positive note,  the construction on the La Mesa & Nisqualli Road Interchange is progressing and we have been driving on some of the new constructed roads that are part of the overpass. This is very good traffic wise as it will tremendously help reduce the congestion on Bear Valley Rd and Palmdale Rd.

Click here to read more about the La Mesa and Nisqualli Road Interchange, Victorville (on Interstate 15).