
Turkey Decorating Project

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read733 views

Early this week Ivan came home with a project that involves the whole family. Along with his weekly homework, he was given a plain drawing of a Turkey. As a family project, we were asked to decorate the Turkey using whatever we wanted. After making a few suggestions, he decided to proceed with Cereal (for the feathers, caruncles and wattle), Crayons and a button (for the eye). Though time consuming, it was more fun than we thought it would be.

Turkey Decorating Project.

The project was then displayed at school for a couple of weeks and then returned to the students.

Award Day at School

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read499 views

So, this morning was Award Day at Cottonwood Elementary for the Kindergarteners and 1st Graders. Some of the Awards being given were in the following category: Leadership, Math, Reading, Good Citizen, Effort/Improvement and Attendance. My wonderful Ivan received an Award for Reading and advancement of his sight words. According to his Teacher, he is on the First/Second Grade list.

Yesterday he received his second Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate to celebrate another reading accomplishment. We are very proud of our little boy and he is very proud of himself too.

Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate.

Right now he is interested in Science and we are giving him all the help we can in this field as well as in Math.

Nurturing Goes a Long, Long Way

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read907 views

Ivan: Mom, are you proud of me?
Me: Yes, very.
Ivan: Why? Because I did well at school?
Me: Yes and because I love you.
Ivan: If I do an even better job will you be prouder?
Me: Yes, I will. But remember, it’s not just about doing a good job. You must be kind and respectful to others to.
Ivan: Ok Mommy.

Yesterday, along with other Kindergarten kids, Ivan went on his first field trip to the Pumpkin Patch at the Boulder Creek Ranch Harvest Festival. It is one thing to drop him off at school and it’s another to let him go on a field trip, especially as he is known to be an explorer. I had to bury my fears and put my trust in the hands of the wonderful teachers and volunteers who accompanied them on this field trip. Prior to leaving for school, his Father surprised him with some drawings of things he enjoys on his disposable lunch bag. We always find ways to make him feel special, especially when we are not around. Turned out that he had an awesome time.

Boulder Creek Ranch
19099 Lemon St, Hesperia, CA 92345
Phone: (760) 244-0096 OR  (760) 956-9300
October 13th – October 28th
Open: 11:00 AM – Dusk

Custom ‘Disposable’ Lunch Paper Bag.

Going back to my heartfelt conversation with my Son. He is at a stage of his life, where he sees things, analyses and remembers them. So, as a parent, is it important for me to be patient, encouraging, loving and honest with him. I must be ready to answer his questions, honestly, the best way I possibly can, based on his age and ability to understand, without going into much details. I always take my kids questions seriously.
It is critical for us, parents, to be involved in all aspects of our children lives, allowing them to experience life and things for themselves. One thing we should avoid at all cost is to rob them of their Innocence.

My Son is so proud of himself for receiving a lot of rewards, prices from school for being a good and responsible student. Recently, he received this Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate to celebrate his reading accomplishment (Book It!® is a reading incentive program that Pizza Hut® has sponsored since 1985).

Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate.

If we cannot stand with them while they are growing up; how then, do we expect to reconnect with them once they’ve mature? In some cases, we are all they’ve got. Not being there for them when they need us is one thing they will never forget; adding a twist to their face, that, we will regret.

Smart Kids – Raising My Son

JM Perez By JM Perez4 min read1K views

“Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again. And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? We should say to each of them: do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel? You must work, we must all work, to make the world worthy of its children.” ― Pablo Picasso

When my Son was born, I silently wished he stays little forever so that we could cuddle all day long. Then I wished he could walk, talk and eventually go to school. As parents, it’s sometime hard to alleviate the fears of letting our children go into the World, for the first time, without us being present to monitor. We unconsciously go into an anxiety mode and literally drive ourselves crazy over every single detail. That was exactly what happened to me.

Yesterday, while picking him up from school, his teacher told me that he is a very intelligent kid and he is the only one in his class to be up to date with reading. Lo and behold! I know I have a loving an amazingly smart kid; however, coming from his teacher, I was floored. My son learned to read books at the age of two and drew his first car at the age of two and a half. My 5-year-old could tell you the name of a car just by its shape; how crazy is this? He recently acquired a science book, which he reads every day.

Car Drawing by my then 2 1/2  year old.
Car Drawing by my then 2 1/2-year-old.

This is my approach on raising my kids (please, keep in mind that there are always exceptions to the rules).

  • Television. I do agree that we should set limits on television viewing, not for most of the reasons I have read and or heard of. For instance, television is not the primarily source of violence contrary to what some might think. Children in general, mimic what they live. Raising healthy children has a lot to do with stability, availability, family structure and love. How we treat others, how we behave around our children, how we nurture them and how we make them feel mold their development. Be supportive and a good role model.
  • Toys. It is never about the quantity; rather, the quality. Also, it’s not so much about the good reviews, but what works best for your child. That is why, as parents, we should know and understand our children in order to serve their best interests. Parents are ought to be the first and the best teachers for their children. We are the ones they admire and look up to. When we need a break from them, let us make sure we provide them with something useful. A toy that challenges their brain while keeping them entertained. When your children outgrow their toys, consider giving them to families in need or donating them to a charity.
  • Outdoor Activities (for those without allergies and other medical condition) is a good way to help little explorers learn and discover Nature around them. From bug hunting, helping in the garden, flying a kite, drawing on a drive way and bike riding just to name a few. Outdoor activities are a good source of physical and mental health. They boost their passion for creativity and give them a sense of independence. Make sure they are well equipped before they venture outside (hat, sunglasses that blocks 99-100% of ultraviolet rays, sunscreen, encourage them to stay in the shade and give them water to stay hydrated).
  • Discipline with love. Let them know their actions have consequences. Set limits to promote self-discipline and give them choices. I personally do not do time-outs. I understand it has its advantages; however a kid who knows his punishment for what he has done will start his time-out on his own to attempt to lessen it. In this case, the action-reaction becomes more mental and loses its effectiveness.
  • Availability. The bottom line, be there for your children. Teach them, help them with homework, talk to them, guide them, encourage them, reach out and get involved in their lives. Let them know you are available for them whenever they need you and mean it. You can help them shine by beginning to focus on their strength and building on it.
  • Patience. No one person is the same and each child learn at its own pace. You can’t rush them, you can’t force them and you can’t intimidate them. All you can do is support, encourage, be patient and watch them blossom. Every single child is special in its own way. Never compare your children to others because it lowers their self-esteem and they will never forget.

 In the interim, I will continue being the best Mom and provider for him and allow the wonderful teachers to do the rest.

Meet ‘Alicia Joann’

JM Perez By JM Perez3 min read670 views

“There are still some wonderful people left in this world! They are diamonds in the rough, but they’re around! You’ll find them when you fall down– they’re the ones who pick you up, who don’t judge, and you had to fall down to see them! When you get up again, remember who your true friends are!” – C. JoyBell C.

My Beautiful – Adorable – Goddaughter.

In the Fall of 1992 in Yaounde, Cameroon, I was meeting for the first time Emilienne, a classmate who later became my best friend and sister.

Emilienne is one of my truest friends. I can count on her to tell me point blank that I suck and to lay down the truth. Growing up, like every little girl, we had dreams. We prayed for serenity, health and love; we asked the Lord to guide us in the right path and to always keep us close. And yes, the Lord has never failed us. She is Mom to a smart and beautiful soon to be 7-year-old girl, Jamie, whom I am blessed to call niece. I personally do not know anyone who smiles as much as this darling little girl. I tell you, if smiles could heal, Planet Earth would be a disease free World. Those who know her will understand what I am talking about.
Nineteen good years together and dear Emilienne has never left my side.

So World, I present you Alicia Joann, Emilienne’s niece, Eve’s daughter and my Goddaughter. Born September 20th, 2012. She is a tremendous source of pride and joy.

Just when I was down on my knees, asking our Heavenly Father for a Goddaughter; I was also learning that Mom was pregnant with you. Quickly and without hesitation, I told your Mommy I would step in and become your godmother and to my amazement, she agreed. Generally, parents are the ones who choose godparents for their children. I chose you, nevertheless, to love, to listen to, to comfort, to share with through personal experiences, to guide you. In the end I can only hope to be a good role model and an inspiration.

You stole my heart before you were born, dear daughter from another mother. Welcome into the World, little one. I am grateful to be part of your life and very thankful for your good health. Until I meet you, goddaughter, my prayers are with you always. I will continue praying every single night for you that you live a life worthy of the Lord and that you grow in the knowledge of His Word.

Now you have someone outside your immediate family who loves you and who has sincere interest in you.
“May goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life.” – Psalm 23:6

“Alicia is what I needed to feel complete.
God gave her to me at the right time; I’m positive, I don’t need anything.
She is precious, she is priceless, she is mine.” –  Eve Lor.

To you dear Eve, enjoy these moments as they are quick to pass.