
DIY: Shoebox Diorama

Rachel By Rachel1 min read1K views

This month’s project was to create a shoebox diorama of an important scene from a book.
I chose a scene from The Sisters Grimm series. This is a very simple and fun project that requires a lot of cutting, assembling, and gluing.

Shoebox Diorama.

Materials/Tools Needed:

  • Shoe Box
  • Pencils
  • Markers
  • Craft paper
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Elmer’s glue
  • Spray Paints
  • Precision Knife/Blade

Step by step:

  • Get a shoe box, spray paint the interior if you wish and set aside
  • With a scissor or precision blade, cut out small pieces of cardboard and craft paper to make mini books. Use Elmer’s glue to hold the pieces together
  • Repeat step two to create picture frame. You can draw the picture on craft paper before or after gluing it onto the cardboard. We found it easier to draw the picture and then glue it
  • With the precision blade, cut out cardboard pieces to make tables, couches, side tables, etc.
Shoebox Diorama.
Shoebox Diorama.
Shoebox Diorama.

I had a lot of fun working on this project.

DIY: Character 3D Model

Rachel By Rachel3 min read1.1K views

One of my newly found favorite books are The Sister Grimm series. When we were given an assignment last December to make a 3-D Model of the main character of any book of our choice, I immediately thought of Puck, a fairy in The Sisters Grimm series. Puck is a four thousand year old fairy, who decided to remain as an eleven year old boy with a shabby appearance. He is white with blond hair and green eyes, and goes by the alias of The Trickster King. He enjoys pulling pranks on everyone, especially on Sabrina Grimm, and has a huge ego. He thinks of himself as the ultimate villain even though he is kindhearted.

Puck 3D Character.

Materials/Tools Needed:

  • Clay (assorted)
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Wood (to stand the character)
  • Krazy Glue (to glue the feet onto the wood, wings, and sword)
  • Wire
  • Wire Cutters
  • Pliers (to twist the wire)
  • Power Drill and Drill Bits (for the holes on the wood)
  • Popsicle stick (for the wooden sword)
  • Precision Knife/Blade

Step by step:

  • Using a wire, create a stick figure body(without a head)
  • Cut tiny strips on aluminum foil and wrap around the wire to give it thickness. Try and give it the thickness that you need so that you do not use too much clay
  • Flatten some clay and start wrapping around the figure (clothes, shoes, and other accessories). We started with the neck area, then the shirt, pants and then hands and shoes. We used the wire exposed at the neck to hold it while applying the clay and shaping it
  • Shape the head, give it hair, eyes, ears, nose, and stick it onto the wire (neck)
  • Cut 2 pieces of wire for the wings and wrap them in clay. Leave the tips exposed since they will get inserted into the character’s back and glued in place
  • Bake in oven for about 25 minutes at 275 degrees F
  • Let clay cool completely
  • Remove the wire stand and touch up any defects. Make the wooden sword using the popsicle stick and cut to size. We cut the handle and glued the sword on the top part of the hand and part of the hilt on the bottom part to make it look like he is holding it.
  • Use the drill to make 2 holes onto the wood base, 1 for each leg. Cut 2 small pieces of wire and insert them onto the holes with part of it sticking out. Drill a small hole on the bottom of each foot making sure they align to the base. Apply krazy glue on the wood and set the feet. Hold in place until the glue sets. Do the same for the wings
Puck 3D Character.

The wire holding the character was to help hold all the parts in place while it was baking in the oven (accident prevention).

Puck 3D Character.

The wooden sword and base were placed last, after the baking was completed.

Puck 3D Character.

I enjoy crafting and working with my hands. This was a fun project to do with the help of my family, and the best part was sculpting the hair.

I’M Back to Writing

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read767 views

My last published book was a little over a year ago and since then I have only been able to write a coupe of Poems here and there.  I have been asked by friends all year long about my next book release. Well, the good news is that there is one in the making; however, far from completion. I love to write, yes. But I only do so when I have something meaningful to share. I do not write for the sake of writing as inspiration has to be genuine and flow through me (as well as other places) before I can begin to produce something inspiring for my audience.

Early in the month I was graced with a request to write a Personalized Poem for a special event and since then ideas have been overflowing. I should be able to put everything together in a day, but it’s not as simple as it seems given that the Poem is for some individuals who have been a tremendous source of Blessings in my Life.

Notepad, Fountain Pen & a Vase with Artificial Peony.
Notepad, Fountain Pen & a Vase with Artificial Peony.

Sometimes you just have to find a need and fill the need. In my case I have recently had a couple of interesting life changing experiences which have inspired me to pull out my notepad and start writing. I have always believed that there is something magical about writing and I held that thought to be true once I began writing as a mean of self-healing/self-empowerment/self-freedom/self-motivation twenty-one years ago.

Now, to stay focused and complete the next book …

Cocoon of Grief

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read790 views

“Soul of Christ, sanctify me,” he said. “Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me. Within Thy wounds hide me. Suffer that I not be separated from Thee. From the malignant enemy, defend me. In the hour of my death, call me, and bid me to come to Thee, that with Thy Saints, I may praise Thee for ever and ever. Amen.” — Battletech: Warrior: Riposte (A Warrior’s Prayer).

Two weeks have passed since my friend left the World of mortals and I haven’t stopped crying. His death hurts as much as my Sisters’. I cry so much that my 3-year-old would come up to me, give me a hug and say, “that’s enough Mommy, that’s enough.” I am so thankful for my family for understanding and giving me some personal space to mourn my friend. I have learned some years ago never to question the Will of God as Isaiah 55:11 states that God’s spoken Word will not return empty to Him without accomplishing the purpose for which He sent it.

Last night after putting my kids to bed, I found myself thinking about some individuals whom I miss and who are no longer in my life. I unintentionally read a note my now deceased friend wrote me 20 years ago. I probably shouldn’t have because it did me more harm than good and by the time I realized what I had done to myself, I began praying for myself. He was my silent warrior and the only friend who called me by my last name. When asked why, he said he loved who I was and not what I was. He saw me past my shell.

We Will Meet Again.
Image Source:

I miss each and every one of those beautiful souls so much and I can only hope that they are now where they deserve to be (rejoicing with the Almighty). The pain is constant. Often as dormant as an inactive volcano, patiently waiting for the right moment to erupt. The Bible advises and cautions us not to dwell on the past. Worrying is an energy drainer and a dead-end. It weigh us down, it robs us of joy and inner peace, it traps us and we are never free. I know I will meet them all again, the day the Lord calls me Home. For now, I will keep moving forward.

“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. ” — Philippians 3:13 (KJV)

Book Signing

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.2K views

Early this morning I was one of the many authors attending a book signing at the Glen Avon Library in Jurupa Valley, CA. I was invited by Angela Horn, who is also a published author. I brought all four books, except my latest, Strength of The Small, which was recently released and didn’t get here on time.

It felt good to be in the midst of other talented authors, to get to know them as well as what they do and to share a little bit about myself and the things I love to do.

Author Joan Ambu at the Glen Avon Library in Jurupa Valley, CA

It was such a good experience and I learned that a Book Signing is not about selling books; rather, it’s an opportunity to meet others and gain exposure. You can view more pictures of the event on, my author’s website. The wonderful staff at the Library did a great job organizing this event and went as far as providing us with personalized lunch. It was an awesome day!

Author Joan Ambu at the Glen Avon Library in Jurupa Valley, CA

A heartfelt thank you, to those of you who have already purchased my books. Remember to check out the Giveaways section of this blog to win some prizes. For the rest of you who are thinking about acquiring a copy of either one of my books, the giveaways are open until October 31. Remember to leave me a comment with your email address so that I can contact you in case you are the winner.

Until then, Happy Reading!