Beautiful Summer Blooms

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read856 views

It’s the first day of Summer and it’s humid!

Some of the plants which are currently bursting out with colors in the garden are Daililies, Peony, Agapanthus ‘Storm Cloud,’ Salvia, Sage, Gaura, Snapdragon and rose bushes.

Julia Rose Itoh Peony.

Julia Rose Itoh Peony is one of the newest addition to my front yard garden. I can’t get enough of its gorgeous large flowers with ruffled petals and sweet fragrance.

Julia Rose Itoh Peony.
Julia Rose Itoh Peony.

Asparagus Fern always make a nice full display and is a wonderful houseplant too.

Asparagus Fern.
Asparagus Fern Flowers.

I am loving the daylilies this year with their vibrant colors.

Daylily ‘David Kirchhoff Siloam.’
Daylily – Stella D’Oro.
Daylily ‘Pretty Woman.’

The evergreen Agapanthus are blooming heavily this year.

Agapanthus ‘Storm Cloud.’
Agapanthus ‘Storm Cloud’ Flowers.
Agapanthus ‘Storm Cloud’ Flowers.
Agapanthus ‘Storm Cloud.’

The Horsetail Reeds in one of my many sliced wine barrels have not been thriving this season. As you can see, the hard to control creeping woodsorrel have equally been competing for water and nutrients. As soon as I manually remove them, I will have stronger and healthier Horsetail Reeds to enjoy.

Horsetail Reeds and Gaura Lindheimeri.

Happy gardening and don’t forget to keep both your plants and yourselves hydrated.
