Back To School Routine
Today is officially back to School Day at Cottonwood Elementary. For my Kindergartener as well as the other students, it will be the first day back from a three-week break. We had a fantastic time being silly, getting crafty, watching movies, sleeping late, baking, enjoying each others company and fighting a Cold together.
My Son is super excited to meet his wonderful teacher and friends and I am excited to hear about his little stories and all the fun activities he had at School. His Sister, on the other hand, is not too happy about him returning to school (I overheard them talking in the room last night). After informing her that he will be leaving for school in the morning, she simply told him that ‘she is sad, she will miss him and she doesn’t want him to go to school.’ He replied by stating that he had to go and when he returns home, they will have lots and lots of fun.

My kids believe they are the best thing in the World for one another. As troublesome as they can sometimes be and as annoying as they can be to one another, they always look out for each other and keep safe. Enough to melt my heart and make me proud. My daughter and I will be enjoying more quiet time in the mornings.
Last night, after reminding my Son about the importance of eating right, exercising, taking vitamins, getting enough sleep and keeping his hands to himself (to fight against self-contamination and prevent germs from spreading); I made sure he still had enough pocket tissues, enough cough and cold drops and I made sure there was a travel size hand sanitizer in his backpack. This season has been labeled the worst Flu season in years and parents shouldn’t take it lightly when it comes to the health and wellness of their children.