Sequoia County Vehicle List (2021)

Kashiro By Kashiro1 min read581 views

Here you will find a thorough list of cars in Sequoia County. We will be including car stats, as well as images.

1999 Dodge Intrepid

1999 Dodge Intrepid.

Drivetrain: Front Wheel Drive, Front Engine
Engine: 2.7 L V6
Car Type: 4 Door Sedan
Lights: Halogen
Passenger Capacity: 4-5 People

1999 (Technically 2003) Cadillac Escalade

1999 (Technically 2003) Cadillac Escalade.

Drivetrain: All Wheel Drive, Front Engine
Engine: 5.3 L V8
Car Type: 5 Door SUV
Lights: Halogen/Xenon
Passenger Capacity: 5 People

1999 Mitsubishi Galant

1999 Mitsubishi Galant.

Drivetrain: Front Wheel Drive, Front Engine
Engine: 3.0 L V6, or 2.4 L I4
Car Type: 4 Door Sedan
Lights: Halogen Lamp
Passenger Capacity: 5 People

1995 Ford Crown Victoria

1995 Ford Crown Victoria.

Drivetrain: Rear Wheel Drive, Front Engine
Engine: 4.6 L V8
Car Type: 4 Door Sedan
Lights: Halogen
Passenger Capacity: 5 People

1991 Lincoln Town Car

1991 Lincoln Town Car.

Drivetrain: Rear Wheel Drive, Front Engine
Engine: 4.6 L V8
Car Type: 4 Door Sedan
Lights: Halogen
Passenger Capacity: 4 People

1989 GMC Sierra

1989 GMC Sierra.

Drivetrain: Rear Wheel Drive, Front Engine
Engine: 4.3 L V6
Car Type: 2 Door Truck
Lights: Halogen
Passenger Capacity: 2-3 People

1998 Chevrolet Suburban

1998 Chevrolet Suburban.

Drivetrain: 4 Wheel Drive, Front Engine
Engine: 5.7 L V8
Car Type: 5 Door SUV
Lights: Halogen
Passenger Capacity: 5-6 People

1993 Chevrolet Caprice

1993 Chevrolet Caprice.

Drivetrain: Rear Wheel Drive, Front Engine
Engine: 5.0 L V8
Car Type: 4 Door Sedan
Lights: Halogen
Passenger Capacity: 5 People

1987 Buick Century Limited

1987 Buick Century Limited.

Drivetrain: Front Wheel Drive, Front Engine
Engine: 2.8 L V6
Car Type: 4 Door Sedan
Lights: Halogen
Passenger Capacity: 4 People

1986 Chevrolet Caprice Wagon

1986 Chevrolet Caprice Wagon.

Drivetrain: Rear Wheel Drive, Front Engine
Engine: 5.0 L V8
Car Type: 5 Door Wagon
Lights: Halogen Lamp
Passenger Capacity: 5-7

Sequoia County’s Flora

Kashiro By Kashiro2 min read452 views

The many plants and trees that inhabit Sequoia County.

You probably have noticed the many types of trees and shrubbery that are sprinkled around the game. Here are the types of trees that grow here, and some animals you can find here as well.

Coast Redwood

Coast Redwood.

The Coast Redwood is easily found in Sequoia County, as it makes up at least 40% of all trees in that region. In fact, Sequoia County is named after the Coast Redwood (and the Giant Sequoia), as its scientific name is Sequoia sempervirens.

Giant Sequoia

Giant Sequoia.

The Giant Sequoia is mainly found in the Cosworth North, and the areas north of it. They make up 20% of the trees in the County, some able to grow to 300 feet.

Notable examples of this tree are the ‘Twin Brother’ Sequoia’s in Cosworth North, both towering around 280-300 feet.

Sugar Pine

Sugar Pine.

The Sugar Pine is found in parts of California and Oregon, meaning it is abundant in Sequoia County. It makes up 13-15% of the trees in the region, usually found near the Coast Redwoods, although some grow near the Charlemagne area as well.

In game, they look similar to the Coast Redwoods, although they are found in clumps of up to 5 in a 30 by 30 foot area. Some smaller specimens can be found in clumps of up to 2.

Maple Tree

Maple Tree.

The maple tree makes up around 2% of all trees in this region. It is a short version of the tree pictured here, with green leaves. It is scattered around the Cosworth South region of Sequoia County, and only really grows there. In Charlemagne, only a handful grow there.

The rest of the 23% of flora are assorted bushes and plants, such as ferns and bushes.

That is it for the Flora of the region, stay tuned for more plants!

Crash Physics: How Does That Work?

Kashiro By Kashiro1 min read307 views

An explanation behind the crash physics that all cars in-game feature.

As you probably have noticed by now, every car in Sequoia County has visible damage that shows when you hit a curb or slide into a wall.

Quick thanks to Troilface_Gaming, his collision and crash physics system was the one that made this possible.

So, how does it work?

Every car has 2 sets of body panels: an invisible, damaged one, and a visible one. When you hit a body panel on the car (lets say you hit a wall head on) the collision hitbox will detect that it has hit something, and cause the body part to disappear, being replaced by the hidden broken one. Thus, the car looks broken.

Then, there is the engine hitbox. If you crash the car where the engine is located, then the engine will take damage in increments. Hit it too many times, and it catches fire, eventually causing the car to become undriveable, or causing an explosion.

That’s it for the explanation, big thanks to Troilface_Gaming once again for making this possible.

The Doorknob’s Guide to Sequoia County

Kashiro By Kashiro2 min read559 views

Everything you need to know about the game, plus cool features many people might not know about.

Sequoia County was originally planned to be a successor to Mt. Cosworth. The save did not go through, and the game was destined for deletion until the idea of Sequoia County was created.

In late 2020, V3 (Technically V1) Was created under the Sequoia County name. It was made poorly on the back end, and had a major revamp in summer 2021 featuring a full map remaster and cars.

So, What is Where?

In case you need this for future reference, here is the map so far:

How do I drive a car?

First, spawn the car you want from the menu on the left of the screen. Then, hop into the driver seat.

If you are on mobile, controls will pop up on the screen. For PC players, here are the controls:

Arrow keys/WASD: Driving controls (Forward is Up/W, Backward/Brakes is Down/S, A or Left is left, D or Right is right)

H: Horn

Z,X,C: Blinkers + Hazards (x)

T: Traction Control (TCS)

Y: Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)

R: Mouse control

M: Transmission modes: Automatic, Semi-Manual and Manual

Q: to downshift in semi-manual/manual, E to upshift

Shift for clutch (manual only)

How do I get a job?

Click the ‘Job’ menu on the left of the screen. then, select the job you want in the dropdown menu. Your name in chat will now change to your selected job!

That is it for the Guide, good luck players!