High Desert Drought Resistant Plants

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read879 views

When my husband and I were looking to buy a house, we both agreed on a small backyard (less maintenance). However, we instantly fell in love with a smaller house our realtor showed us. Five years later, living in the High Desert of CA, we have never loved having a huge backyard more and enjoy a quieter lifestyle.

Of course, we have a lot of Weeds growing and we also have to deal with Gophers and Ground Squirrels, which can be quite overwhelming. Thankfully with patience, available tools, techniques and a willing mind – we turned it into a fun, relaxing, beautiful and inviting space.I have a few criteria before I purchase plants. They have to be evergreen or semi-evergreen; adaptable landscape plants  and definitely have to withstand heat/dryness and cold-hardiness. Last but not least, appealing to the eyes.

Daylilies: Mid-season bloomer.

1. Pretty Woman Daylily – Soft pink flower.
2. Stella D’Oro Daylily.
3. Siloam David Kirchhoff Daylily – Purple, lavender flower.

Sword Lilies
: Produces beautiful tall spikes with large flowers.

1. Gladiolus ‘Super Star’                             2. Gladiolus ‘Yellow’
3. Gladiolus ‘Fiorentina’                              4. Gladiolus ‘Peter Pears’

with beautiful blooms, colors and sweet scent.

Succulent & Cactus
: 1. Hen and Chicks  2.  Pink Crown Cactus

Herbaceous Perennial & Shrub:

1. Red Autumn Sage – Drought resistant with long period of bloom.
2. Common Broom – Erect shrub with bright yellow flowers in spring and summer.
3. Lindheimer’s Beeblossom – Perennial with white flowers, light pink/pink.

Ornamental Grasses
: Add charm to landscapes.

1. Purple Fountain Grass – Reddish leaves and colorful flowers.
2. Elijah Blue Fescue Grass – Remains blue throughout the year.

Asparagus Plumosus
Asparagus Fern Beautiful vine with wiry climbing stems (contain sharp thorns).
Pendula Yucca
Yucca Recurvifolia Beautiful evergreen specimen (clusters of white flowers).
Lily of the Nile
Agapanthus ‘Storm Cloud’Produces purple trumpet-shape flowers in summer.
Crimson Glory Tea
Leptospermum Scoparium Evergreen shrub with deep-red flowers on needlelike foliage.
Lilium ‘Birgi’
Longiflorum-Asiatic Lily Produces beautiful deep pink flowers in Summer.
Asparagus Fern
Asparagus densiflorus Needlelike foliage with tiny thorns (can develop small red poisonous berries).
Noel’s Grevillea
Grevillea ‘Noellii’ Evergreen Shrub with long blooming pink & white flowers
Pink Agapanthus
Tulbaghia Violacea ‘Silver Lace’Grass-like foliage with strong garlic odor & lavender flowers.
Rosmarinus Officinalis Wonderful herb that makes a beautiful ornamental plant.
Narcissus Hardy and easy perennials to grow with attractive flowers.
Bird of Paradise Bush
Caesalpinia Gilliesii Evergreen shrub with large  yellow birdlike flowers.

Parting In Love

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read831 views

Nothing is as hard as letting go. Remember your past relationships? Whether they were stagnant, unhealthy or abusive; letting go seemed impossible and painful. The fear of the unknown often discourages people to let go, even when they know that they are unhappy or worst, that there is nothing to hold on to.

Before I befriend someone, I must meet their heart, too. I don’t care much about the mind because the mind, as we all know is a strange element. The heart on the other side is not dark by nature; we train it to be. People will always come and go, but memories will live on.

"If we do meet again, we'll smile indeed; If not, 'tis true this parting was well made." - William Shakespeare
Parting Well Made. Image Source.

Prior to letting go of a relation that no longer serves me, I pray for enlightenment and I let the person know about my decision. I thank him/her for having been part of my life, for all the good memories and wish him/her well before my last goodbye. Going this route reduces misunderstandings and prevents hearsay. Parting is never easy; but letting go of a relation that no longer serves you is the right thing to do. The extra weight of an unhealthy relation is damaging. Once you let go of such a weight you can then move on and no longer have the burden to worry about that person. Expressing truth with love is liberating. It’s like inhaling a deep breath of fresh air.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV)

You only have one life to live and you cannot reset time. Choose your relationships wisely. Be a good example to yourself and embrace life to the fullest.

Faith: A Personal Quest

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read669 views

Too often I have been asked about my beliefs and my answer remains unchanged: “I am a believer and I strongly believe in kindness, in everything good and true. I believe in my God, who has never left my side.”

A true Christian would educate, nurture, lend a hand or an ear; would council and be patient. True Christians should only judge others with love because we are all on a lifelong journey of discovery for truth and each one of us carries a personal sin. To the hypocrites the scripture commands, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” – Matthew 7:1-2 (NIV).

Belief in itself is not something we learn, but something we experience at a personal level. It’s like tutoring, a one-on-one experience that makes a difference and can be either good or bad. This is precisely why it’s so easy to judge others and hard to convert them. When you believe (or say you believe) you’re in; when you don’t, you’re out. Just like that.
Many things seem acceptable to people when they speak the same language. While some people lie their way into a circle, others get there righteously. It’s troubling to see how much some people sacrifice just to fit in.

Image Credit: Willow Tree.com
Image Credit: Willow Tree.com

I am not without fault. I am a child of the universe and I have a profound respect for all living things, especially for those I do not understand. My quest for my knowledge of the Word is endless. I am a conscious sinner. I always say a prayer before letting go of that which no longer serves me. Not only do I seek daily salvation from my Savior, but at the end of the day I am not ashamed to ask forgiveness from those I offended.

I have learned that the best way to avoid being caught up in this masquerade is to practice kindness and stay true to oneself.

“Kindness is the catalyst that fuels our drive for love and compassion.”
― Joan Ambu

God loves us regardless. We are His creations.

I’ve Learned

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read954 views

I’ve learned
That knowledge does not update itself
And even though I’m constantly learning
I must keep my mind active.

I’ve learned
That I must save life
Even if at some point in time
That life will end mine.

I’ve learned
That hate, though not contagious
Is a self-destructive illness
And I must not practice it.

I’ve learned
That Blessings come in small packages
I must not hold on to perishable things
When all I really need is around me.

I’ve learned
That appearances can be deceiving
We judge people by the image they portray to the World
Rather than the person within.

I’ve learned
That you cannot envy someone
Until you walk in their shoes
And embrace their flaws.

I’ve learned
That a simple “I Love You”
Goes a long way
It heals the most incurable disease.

I’ve learned
That the pain of death
Has the power to bring people together
And end feuds.

I’ve learned
That when we have a heated argument
And you hurt my feelings
That’s precisely when I must not betray your trust.

I’ve learned
That I must always be true to myself
No matter what others think
That I must be grateful at all times
Because Life can end abruptly.

I’ve learned
That when I feel lonely
And the World seems to ignore my cry for help
I must keep trusting
In the One who watches over me and never sleeps
I must be patient and keep trusting
Because He has never let me down.

© 2012 Joan Ambu. All rights reserved.

Welcome to Our Blog

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read583 views

Hello dear Readers,

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