Scents of Spring

JM Perez By JM Perez3 min read675 views

The Lilacs are blooming and they are exploding with gorgeous clusters of fragrant lavender blossoms.
I got a couple more young plants from my neighbor today. In total I have 10 Lilacs planted in the garden, all of which are Lavender Lady Lilac, as far as I can see from those flowering. I hope to be blessed with a few different varieties from the younger plants.

Lavender Lady Lilac.

I love my Periwinkle Creeping Myrtle! They are more creepers than climbers, and I hope I can successfully train them to climb. I am planting a few more on each side of the pergola.

Periwinkle Creeping Myrtle Flower.

As much as I love my property, I dislike the fact that it attracts squirrels, which I have come to despise. They dig, they chew and they damage everything. Once in a while, like every two years to be precise, a daring squirrel comes along and wreaks havoc in my garden. I don’t mind these little rodents choosing an opened area in the backyard; however, when they decide to burrow right under my drive way, garage, gas line (or anywhere near my home), it becomes an issues. We have spent so much time and money over the years in repellents, patching holes and we might end up redoing our backyard driveway.

Trapped Squirrel.

There are so many squirrels and rabbits in the neighborhood. Some neighbors thought they were so cute and started feeding them, now they are everywhere. These rodents are fast learners, believe me. They have found ways to go around chicken wires and sometimes will chew through it. Now they stopped eating plants roots. They figured that eating the root would kill the plant, so they dig next to the plants and eat everything, then return when there’s new growth. I was surprised to see walnut seedlings emerging in different locations all over my backyard. Come to find out, this squirrel stashed them all over the place.

I have tried different methods to keep them away from my property and none worked. I pruned branches, protected my containers and garden beds with wire mesh, dug a few inches into the ground to prevent them from gaining access and they just chew through the wood. I have secured the roots of plants using wire mesh, applied a thick layer of mulch, sprinkled coffee ground, cayenne pepper/hot chili pepper.
The Live Animal Trap was useless; they would go in, eat the nuts and exit without triggering it. We set a squirrel trap just to find out that the squirrel dug an exit hole at a different location. This time we used a Macabee Gopher Trap and my husband found an agonizing squirrel the next morning and took care of it. As you can see in the picture above, the squirrel’s left hand got caught in the trap.

The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources has many articles about managing Pests in gardens and landscapes. You can find the article on ground squirrels here.

I’ve had the Rio Samba Hybrid Tea Tree Rose for over eight years. It was in such a bad state a couple of years ago that I was ready to replace it; and then last Spring it bounced back, stronger and healthier with green leaves and abundant blossoms.

Rio Samba Hybrid Tea Tree Rose.

A few days ago, I built a simple fire pit in our backyard. It was always a matter of location for us, and I found just the right spot for it. Most of the retaining wall blocks were a gifts from a neighbor and the rest were purchased from our local Lowe’s store. We stacked them three tiers high, using the existing gravel as the fire pit’s floor. We love the outdoors and I know we will have fun nights, sitting around a fire.

Wishing you all a joyful weekend.

Keeping Busy In The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read711 views

It’s been a while since my last post. I hope everyone is healthy, safe and I am praying for those who are facing hard times. To reduce exposure to Covid-19, all schools were closed starting March 16th and Distance Learning began today, April 6th. Finding balance between work, keeping the kids entertained at home and remaining sane has been challenging. My kids are adjusting well and have found ways to stay active. They wake up at 7:00 am and are asleep by 7:45 pm.

We had a very cloudy and wet week here in the High Desert. I love rain, but I am not a fan of too much rain, however, I know we need these Spring rains to ready the garden for our hot Summer days. Now it’s a good time to plant. For the past couple of weeks, I have been enjoying my Tulips and Grape Hyacinth.

Tulip Blue Diamond.

I love the display of color changes and patterns of these Tulips.

Tulip Angelique.

Grape Hyacinth are popping up here and there.

Grape Hyacinth.

I received a few Spruce Cone Cactuses as gifts recently. I love the uniqueness of this cactus and I am looking forward to watching them grow, while learning a thing or two.

Spruce Cone Cactus.

The Yellow White Lady Banks flowers have began bursting with life and colors. I planted one on both sides of the second arch by the gate leading to our backyard. I also planted one on both sides on a separate arch in the backyard. Some of these roses are just a few months old and others less than two years.

Yellow Lady Banks gracing the arches.

If I have to stay home, I figure, I should garden. Last week I planted Red Autumn Sage, Silvery Cassia, Euphorbia Rigida (Gopher plants), Periwinkle Creeping Myrtle, Dwarf Cup Flower and Amethyst Falls American Wisteria.

Fortunately for us, we have been blessed yet again, with a weed-free yard. Now we can focus on other outdoor projects.

What can you do at home?

  • Plant (divide, transplant … etc)
  • Feed your plants and apply mulch
  • Clean your gardening tools
  • Prune your shrubs/cut back dead plants
  • Clean outdoor furniture
  • Clean bird feeders
  • Clear out weeds

Happy gardening and be safe out there.

Fernando, the Llama

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1K views

Hooray! I am 99% done assembling the South American Premiere Porcelain doll Fernando, the llama.

This porcelain doll is yet another gift I received from a beloved neighbor a couple of years ago. She bought the mold of the Llama’s head and legs and fired it up herself. That lady was incredibly good with her hand.
Unfortunately, the improper storage of the fur pieces  for over twenty years resulted in damage. I just need to purchase a few pieces to cover the legs area and it will be complete at last.

Porcelain doll Fernando, the llama.

It is one of the many unfinished porcelain dolls I received from a neighbor who moved away a couple of years ago. I connected the face and legs unto the soft body, glued and sew in the wool into place and attached the eyelashes (Yes, I know, those eyelashes need to be trimmed).

Porcelain doll Fernando, the llama.

Fernando has porcelain face and legs with a soft body and a wool blanket. He is from the Premiere Artist Collection from Wendy Crawford and Barbara Miller, of California. It measures 17”H x 11”L x 6”W.

Porcelain doll Fernando, the llama.

I have a couple more projects lined up, to keep ourselves busy as we are expecting heavy rain and possible snow all of next week.

I hope you are all healthy and safe.

Happy New Month

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read876 views

It’s a new month and the weather has been at its best since the beginning of the year. It rained a little today, more like sprinkles to be precise.

What has everyone been up to? Well, I have enjoyed the company of my Mother who I don’t see often and her delicious cooking. I have been weeding, lending a helping hand to my neighbors and just recently, began tending to the gardens. I have significantly reduced the amount of Gaura Lindheimeri in the front garden and replaced them with Salvia Greggii Red. I planted some African Iris (Dietes Vegeta) and I am currently looking for a few companion plants.

The majority of the bulbs are emerging from the ground, a few trees are starting to leaf out. What’s blooming in the garden? So far only two plants; the Purple Leaf Cherry Plum trees and the Gopher plants (Euphorbia Rigida).

Purple Leaf Cherry Plum Blossoms.

Euphorbia Rigida, which were a gift from a neighbor, are currently blooming. The first time I saw the plant, I thought it was either an overgrown weed or a rare cactus species. Also known as Upright Myrtle Spurge, Silver Spurge and Gopher Plant, these hardy yellow flowering plants are drought tolerant and self-seeding (remove spent flowers to prevent self-seeding). The plants attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds; and susceptible to aphids, nematodes, spider mites, bacterial and fungal diseases. It is however, deer and rabbit resistant.

Euphorbia Rigida are a wonderful addition to desert landscaping. The attractive succulent-like plant features erect stems with narrow leaves and evergreen  foliage that are flushed with red in Spring and blue-green in other seasons. The flowers are bright yellow-green in Spring with orange nectar gland (the color can vary). The plant can be propagated either by seeds, cuttings or division. Be advised that this plant is a deadly beauty, as all parts are highly toxic if ingested and the milky sap may cause irritation to the eyes and cause skin rashes. Wear gloves at all times when handling the plant.

Gopher plants (Euphorbia Rigida) in Bloom.

Somewhere in my backyard, I found two pairs of Lizards in an empty terracotta planter. I am not sure if they are all resting in there or perhaps if they are stuck. I will check on them tomorrow to make sure they got out.

Lizards resting in a Planter.

Happy gardening and stay safe out there.