Horseshoe Art & Yard Sculptures

EPEngineer By EPEngineer2 min read1.2K views

This morning we took a trip to Lucerne Valley, CA mainly for sightseeing having taking this drive only twice before and coming across closed shops. Today everything was open and we got to take a look at the selections each stop had to offer.

Our first stop was at Pancho’s having stopped here before and seen their selection of Cement Sculptures/Statues and Water Fountains. They have their own molds and are very friendly. Their selections are either painted or unpainted giving you the option of how to proceed with your selection once purchased.
We decided on a 12 inch wall hanging mermaid decoration which was primed brown. After cleaning it and sanding a couple of spots, we painted it Soft Lavender. What a beautiful find!

Mermaid Sculpture.
Mermaid Sculpture.

We also bought a cement smiling Buddha Statue which is very detailed and very friendly. We decided to keep it plain and only did a clear coat on it to protect it. It is a nice addition to our current Buddha collection and we hope that it will bring peace and tranquility to our garden and will be one of the focal points of interest.

Buddha Statue.
Buddha Statue.

Our next stop was at a place down the road that offered a variety of metal sculptures, bottle art, antiques and horseshoe art made by Don Henry. Don is an artist who has been creating his own horseshoe art for years (flowers, kokopelli, butterflies, bird feeders and baths, bunnies, cowboys, plant stands and many others). His products are pure metal and will withstand the test of time. My wife fell in love with a rustic metal face made out of a cover from a model A cylinder cap and horseshoes and I just had to get it for her.

Rustic Metal Face.
Rustic Metal Face.

I hope that you will enjoy these places as much as we did. Every shop is an adventure in itself.

Address Location:
Horseshoe Art by Don Henry
32111 Hwy 18, Lucerne Valley, CA 92356
Phone: 1 (951) 634-9014

Hours of Operations:
Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Click here to learn more about the City of Lucerne Valley, CA.

DIY: Uses of Laminate

EPEngineer By EPEngineer2 min read2.6K views

You bought Laminate for your Kitchen Counter tops and you have some left overs. What to do now that your project is complete? Do you get rid of your leftovers or save them for craft projects? When it comes to Laminates, the possibilities are endless. You could use your leftovers to build a play table for your kids, a garden table for your tools, an outdoor platform, a plant sand, an end table, a frame to hang your jewelry, Wall Art, Bookshelves, Cabinets, Coasters, create a Book Cover and so much more.

For our Kitchen renovation four years ago, we ended up with an extra base cabinet we couldn’t return and we had some leftover from the counter top. After almost a year of having both items sitting in the garage, we decided to build a custom counter top for the base cabinet and use as extra storage in the Patio.

Custom Countertop.
Custom Counter top.

Materials/Tools Needed:

  • Counter top piece
  • Wood (to build a frame)
  • Wood Screws, Power Drill, Drill Bits
  • Silicone Sealer (to seal the gaps)
  • Stain (for the Wood)
  • Heavy Duty Staple Gun and Staples

Step by step:

  • First step is to measure out the size of the piece that will be needed. I used a cutout from my counter top which came from the sink cutout. Since it was about 30 inches wide and the cabinet 34 inches, I used the wood to expand on all 4 sides.
  • Based on my dimensions I cutout the four pieces to make a frame leaving enough of a lip to be able to screw them onto the counter piece.
  • I used the staple gun to secure all four corners together, then used the Power Drill to screw the frame onto the counter piece.
  • I used the sealer to fill in the gaps on the frame and between the frame and counter piece. This will stop any liquids from seeping onto the wood cracks.
  • The wood stain was used last and will go over the whole frame. You can also use it on the counter piece to give it a darker look.
  • The last step is to secure the whole piece onto the cabinet being used and enjoy!

Checkout what others have accomplished using Laminate.

1. The Armadillo Chair. 2. Contemporary Wood Wall Light. 3. Bent Laminate Modular Form.

1. The Armadillo Chair. 2. Contemporary Wood Wall Light. 3. Bent Laminate Modular Form.

Love the Laminate/Wood Lampshade in the middle picture? You can make your own by clicking here and following the steps for this Wood Veneer Lampshade.


Making Breakfast Fun

EPEngineer By EPEngineer2 min read482 views

Today started on a good note. After having a very restful sleep session, I actually woke up to find that everyone else was fast asleep. I made my way to the kitchen and started to setup for the breakfast that I had mentioned to my family the night before. It included Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs with Onions, Tomatoes and Black Peppers and a tall glass of Orange Juice. While working on the Pancakes, I heard my boy stirring and decided that two brains where better than one. I got him ready and pulled up a Bar Stool chair next to the stove to watch me make his favorite breakfast meal “Pancakes.” Since I had him next to me I was able to fix him a stack and have him start on them while I continued with the rest.

Pancake Initials.
Pancake Initials.

Around 3/4ths of the way in, I decided to make the above letters and have my boy guess which would come first. He was so happy to see the first letter and guess it was his initial. After the pancakes where cooked, I heard my baby girl trying to open the bedroom door so I dressed her up and brought her over to join in the fun. She does not like Pancakes yet, but can eat Eggs like a wood chipper.

Once done, we all moved onto the kitchen table where I fixed myself a stack on Pancakes and a side of scrambled Eggs which my baby girl helped to eat. She enjoyed the Eggs with Ketchup and her Orange Juice as her favorite drink. We took our time finishing breakfast and even fixed a plate for Mommy once she made her way to the kitchen. There where smiles all around and very satisfied faces as well.

Later in the day, we headed to the patio and I pulled my box of scenery materials which I have been acquiring for some years now. I finally started to build structures for my Mechwarrior Figures which I have had for years. I am a big Mechwarrior/Battletech fan and got into the game back in 1999 once I got my first computer. I will blog on the pieces later on but for now, enjoy the Pancake pictures.

What Will You Catch This Year?

EPEngineer By EPEngineer2 min read463 views

“Many people go fishing all their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after.”
― Henry David Thoreau.

Yesterday I celebrated my birthday, peacefully at home, fighting a cold. It was a good day as I received all the love that I could hold. I am aging slowly but surely I am loving it. It’s quite difficult to remember the last time I actually felt this good. Perhaps when I left home? When I met my Wife? When I became a Parent? I can only hope that the feeling lingers on. I am grateful for my Life, for my encouraging Family, Friends and for the unknown.

When you are surrounded by people who have genuine concern and interest for others, they instantly bring out the best in you. The path that I chose almost sixteen years ago led me to a road of certainty and the life changing decision I made twelve years ago has led me to clarity. I have experienced strong emotions and bonds that I had never felt before and I have also experienced great deceptions from individuals whom I believed in.

Source: WXNetwork.
Source: WXNetwork.

I want to acquire more knowledge, to be more loving, more understanding of my surroundings, more forgiving, more humble, more patient, more conscious, to be present and fully live the moment, to give more, to reach out more and to accept as well as embrace the things I cannot change. Above all, I want to have a personal relation with my Creator. To truly understand His Words and to live by them all the days of my life. I want Serenity.

In my moments of reflection, I have traveled many roads and arrived at different conclusions based on each action and reaction from individuals. In this crazy society that we live in today, it seems that every spare moment is used to check our status updates, our friends pages, our text messages, our favorite show updates and so on. But I ask you, when was the last time you sat outside listening to some music and watched the clouds go by? Do we have three minutes to spare on our crazy lives? I do and I hope for your sake that you do as well. If you do not let your mind wonder then how will you be able to wonder in your mind?

Thank you all for your well wishes and kind words on my Facebook page. Thank you for the phone calls and Text Messages. It was nice reading and hearing from you all. I appreciated the extra ray of sunshine.

So, what will you catch this year and in the years to come?

AeroShot™ Energy

EPEngineer By EPEngineer2 min read1.5K views

According to David Edwards, the Harvard professor who invented the product, AeroShot™ Energy is an air-based shot of energy delivering a unique blend of 100 mg of caffeine plus B vitamins that starts working right away—anytime, anyplace. It delivers a unique blend of 100 mg of caffeine, equivalent to a large cup of coffee, plus B vitamins. No calories to fill you up, no liquids to slow you down, and no mystery ingredients found in most energy products. Each AeroShot™ delivers about 4-6 draws. It gives you the boost you want, right when you need it, wherever you may be. Use it all at once or save some for later.

AeroShot™ Energy.
AeroShot™ Energy and Le Whif Chocolate.

Each AeroShot™ Energy comes individually wrapped in its own foil packaging and they are three different flavors: Lime, Raspberry, Green Apple. Le Whif Chocolate comes individually wrapped as well or can be purchased in a pack. They are three different flavors: Original, Mint and Cherry.

LeWhif: Coffee & Vitamins.
Le Whif: Coffee & Vitamins.

Also available, Le Whif Coffee, a breathable coffee powder with an amount of caffeine equivalent to a very light espresso (‘the kick of coffee without the cup’) and Le Whif Vitamins. These breathable vitamins are available in three different flavors, which are: Antioxidant Green Tea, Multivitamin Hibiscus Tea and Age Smart Wine Tea.

Other link of interest: Le Whaf.

My take on the AeroShot™ Energy

I decided to take a sip on Wednesday and after half an hour I felt the kick of it running thru my system. Everything got clear and I could feel a clearness of mind. After about 5 hours later I went back to my regular energy level and there was no side effects of it. To me it felt like having the energy needed while it’s on demand and then it slowly fades. I also noticed that after only sleeping 4 hours I was able to wake up and feel clear-headed. I tried the Green Apple and even though it’s a little bitter at first, the after taste lingers on your lips.

On Thursday I decided to take some more and the same results occurred. I am happy with the product and will use it as needed. It’s a great replacement to other Energy Drinks and considering the jitters I get from them, this is a great product for me. Enjoy!