Flowering Pomegranate
I found profound peace and joy last weekend in the garden. I put on my gloves once to plant an onion which had sprouted in my fridge. I spent the rest of my time walking, admiring new blooms and meditating. Gardening is therapeutic and being in the garden, standing still in the midst of my plants always uplifts my Spirit.
Last year while shopping at Lowe’s, I bought a Pomegranate tree to honor my Mother, who loves its fruit. She would wake up every morning and off she went to the store to buy ripe pomegranates. She spent hours, lovingly making me Pomegranate juice when I was pregnant with my Son. It can be quite a tedious process especially when extracting the seeds is done by hand. She even had to wear gloves and ‘special clothes’ since pomegranate seeds and juice stain everything they come in contact with.
Pomegranate are high in anti-oxidants, they are a great source of potassium, fiber and they are rich in vitamin C.

At first I wasn’t sure the plant would survive, but I am amazed at how well it adapted and now thriving. It turns out that these fruit-bearing deciduous shrubs grow well in the High Desert as they are drought-tolerant and can be tolerant of moderate frost. I have only had it for half a year and I can’t tell if it’s fruitless/ornamental or if it will bear fruit; I guess I will find out in the upcoming weeks. For now, I will just sit back and enjoy the lovely bright red flowers.
Click here to learn about the Health Benefits of Pomegranate
Click here to learn How to Make Pomegranate Juice
Click here to learn How to Clean Pomegranate Juice Stains.